What if a tree speaks ?
One day, I was on a walk when suddenly the alarm calls of the birds and animals were heard from the forest. The scene terrified me a lot. The number of woodcutters was chopping down trees and destroying the lives of the inhabitants. A nest fell down from a tree and the hatchlings were tweeting. They were totally helpless as they could not walk or perch. Suddenly, a thunder strike hit a tree from where the nest fell down. That tree started to speak to the woodcutters.
The tree spoke as follows, "We provide you with oxygen. We provide you with livelihoods. We are a source of your life. Like a mother feeds her child, we trees provide you with everything you need from us. We too have a heart. We too have a life. We too have a purpose on this earth. And we too have an urge to see, not a demon, not a monster, but a soft soul who can feel the tenderness of us. We plead with you not as a source of your life but as creatures who long for love."
The woodcutters left silently.
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